Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For heaven's sake

The other night I was on the phone with my mother, when Max came to me and signed help. I followed him to see what he needed (normally a toy that is out of reach). I found him with his Christmas present from Nanny & Papa. My mother had left it at our house so that I could wrap it and put it under the tree. I thought I had a great hiding spot: downstairs, in the closet (closed), behind the shelf with stuff on top! Mr. Mischief was very sly and wriggled behind the shelf to pull it out. He again signed help (wanting me to open the package). I told him that he can’t have it and put it up on the shelf. Immediately he pulled out the 1 ½ yr. old temper tantrum (remember I am talking to my mother on the phone while dealing with this). She asked what had conspired and I told her that the little bugger found the gift. “Oh for heaven’s sake Megan, let him have it” … My reply “It is okay mom, he needs to learn”. “Not with Nanny, just open the gift up. You were the biggest snoop of all, a taste of you own medicine."
You'd think he was posing for the picture. Maybe he was just so proud that he "won" or got the toys.

1-0 for little Max. The best part is that his daddy was making us a headboard while this was happening and so he got his “tools” to go and help daddy. He must’ve known that they were just like daddy’s and he needed to go and help.

1 comment:

xomom said...

I am on Nanny's side on this one! Way to go Max! Who needs to wait for Christmas anyway????