Sunday, June 3, 2012

goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo..

For the trio of May birthdays Gma suggested we all go to the zoo (she is the best)! We met Nana Deb and and G&G SNOW at the zoo and had a wonderful time. The weather, company, lunch and animals were perfect. The kids loved everything about the zoo (and day)!

* I wish I was better about taking pictures but half the time I forget my camera all together. So on this special day I should just be grateful I have pictures at all.

Measuring Up

Sharing a treat


Watching the giraffes tongue

Teasing Daddy:

"All Done"


I found these seeds down in the basement and I thought it would be a fun project for Max to work on. He has loved planting, watering and watching them grow. They are not big enough to be put in the planter boxes out front. Max is always the one to remind me that we need to water the flowers. With his help, these flowers might survive the summer.

Ready to plant some seeds!

Tali was busy making a mess elsewhere in the house

Special Delivery

Max was so excited that he is old enough to go to the elementary school and be tested for preschool placement. We talked about it the night before and the next morning he was up and dressed at 7am! We were off to the school to deliver the paperwork, Max on his bike and Tali in the stroller (it was hard to talk Tali into riding in the stroller, she thought she should ride the bike).

Max being "Lightning McQueen" fast


Tali loves to stand by the counter and watch me make dinner, just as Max did at this age. If she was taller she would climb up on the counter and turn dinner preparation into disaster territory (thank goodness she isn't). I struggle with her hair and many days give up after she has taken it out for the third time, but how can you not love that little tooth baring smile.
 Eating a green pepper (trying to reach and throw everything else).
 A happy (messy) house.

You'd never know

that this little stinker was getting over a very severe infection. She is full of life, smiles, giggles and MISCHIEF!!!!

At Max's preschool party (center of attention)

 Climbing everywhere possible and into anything she isn't supposed to.
As for her update, the ultrasound went well and we will repeat in a few weeks. If the next one turns out the same I am hoping that they will say that it is a mystery as to what caused the serious infection but that it is gone. We love our little Tali but she has sure given us a few heart attacks. If you saw her you would never know due to her shining personality. We love you Tali!!