Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Park City

Clu and I went to Park City for a little getaway. It was perfect while we were there. It was snowing and cold! The first storm of the season. The first night we went just the two of us while Nanny and Papa watched Max and then the next night Max joined us (due to scheduling conflicts). I am not sure if Max would've rather stayed with N&P. He had so much fun. He got 100% of their attention along with any and everything he wanted. We had a wonderful time with and without Max. He loved playing in the hotel room and was entertained by the corded phone and the closet door mirrors. I think that Clu and I need to hit the DI to find a corded phone for him. He loved playing with it and pretending to talk to G&G and N&P. He would sign one of them and then start jabbering. We hit the pool while we were there. The pool was indoor (in a breeze way) and so it was super cold (with it snowing outside) but the water was great. Max wasn't so sure about it, he was much happier in the big tub back at our room. He was so worn out that he slept until 10am the next morning!

1 comment:

d said...

it is so nice to have a resort town so close. Can't wait to see you guys! 5 more days! Love d