Thursday, October 28, 2010


brings back fond memories from growing up and even when I nannied Will and Sam. She came to visit Max this year and brought some great gifts to our good little gobblin. I hope Max will have lots of great memories of her and how fun Halloween is.

Witchelina brought pom poms and wire to make catepillars and spiders.

The next time she came she brought this Hotwheels track (HUGE HIT)!
Racing down the stairs right after he got the track.

Racing on the track with a little help from Daddy. Don't you love all the jumps aka shoes and tunnels aka boxes. We know how to have fun at our house.

While you watch this movie please note the yellow car that he is playing with, it is missing a wheel but he loves it anyway. This kid loves his cars!

Side note: We bought Max new jammies and thought that he would love the pj's with cars on them. They were too small so I took them back to the store, this time Max was with me and he INSISTED that we buy the snowman jammies instead of the car pj's. He must know right where he belongs.

1 comment:

xomom said...

Wichelina sure does know how to make this holiday a fun one!