Saturday, January 22, 2011

Never a dull moment...

Having a baby is an adjustment and we started ours by spending some extra time in Salt Lake. Tali had some follow-up appointments and it was much easier to "crash" with G&G Snow than to drive back and forth. While we were there Max got a fever but it didn't turn into anything (until we got home). The night we got home his fever transformed into a yucky cold that has kept us up at night. He has been pretty miserable, so we have kept Tali away. That same day we noticed that Tali's eyes were pretty yellow and so, Uncle Howard to the rescue to have her tested for Jaundice (she is at a higher risk for Jaundice because she tested positive for Coombs).
 Of course, her levels were high enough to start her on the bili bed and blanket. She has been in the bed for the past couple of days (still having to stay away from Max) while having blood tests done daily to check her bilirubin levels. With no sleep, stress at work and our crazy life Clu has caught the cold and joined Max in the miserable category. Phyllis and Fran have saved the day by coming to help with Max while I stay with Tali isolated from the sickies and in her bed. Using the word exhausting is an understatment, I am feeling pretty drained and hoping that things can be semi-normal soon (thank you to the prego hormones).

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