Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh the Birthday boy!

I can't believe that he is 3! His birthday was on Sunday and with church at 9 am we decided to let him open his present from Tali before church and then the rest after.

The haul

Loved the Bumble Bee (Transformers) bike

We had a favorite foods dinner and dessert (cupcakes with candles). He loved being sung to and blowing out the candles so we did a couple of rounds of that.
Round 1

Round 2

I can't get enough of this darling littler boy. This is such a fun age to watch and hear him discover new things and try and express it.
He loves:
"Cars", trains, dinosaurs, diggers, tractors and basically anything with wheels (and the wheels too).
To eat his fruits and vegetables and will often choose fruit over a treat.
When his daddy comes home and plays with him.
Playing outside in the dirt
His sister and has to "save" her in the castle (her bedroom) after she gets up from her nap

The day this little guy joined our family was so memorable but the days that have followed have made life so fun and rewarding! I couldn't imagine doing anything else than what I am doing now. 

1 comment:

d said...

Oh Maxaroo! You are such a blessing. We love you so much!!! Happy Birthday from Cannon, Roman, Boden, Aunt Dayna and Uncle Garrett