Monday, April 21, 2008

Ugly Dolls

Clu has fallen in love with these Ugly Dolls (they are really called ugly dolls). His parents bought him these ugly dolls as an early birthday present. He was so surprised and over the moon! I told Clu that we were not going to buy them because they were ugly, but during a conversation with his mother I told her about them and she bought two for Clu and Bug (sorry Steven, baby CJ)! Yes, they are really for the baby, but Clu thinks they are so cute! I don't think they are the cutest, but they grow on you. When you see them in person, they are a lot cuter and just make you giggle. I am sure that the baby will love hanging and chewing on these little guys. Thanks Steve & Phyllis!
They each have names and little blurbs about them. This is Abima, who likes to knock things over, but only the expensive stuff.

Abima's friend OX (like hugs and kisses), does magic and his best magic trick is turning your stuff into his. He says that he is just borrowing your things and will return them in a few hundred years.

They also have little books, but they are not coming out until May 2008. I am sure that Clu will make sure he has the books to go with the dolls, because reading to your baby is so important.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh Baby!

Only 5 weeks left! Waiting for a baby to come is worse than waiting for Christmas when you are young. When you are little you know that Santa comes on Christmas which is the 25th of December, but when you are having a baby you have no idea when the little guy decides to grace you with his prescence. The babe can come early, late, fast or slow. Clu can tell you that I am not a patient person. This should be fun, I guess I will have to learn to be patient with this one.

Dr. macy thinks that he will be about two weeks early...any guesses?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The last Hurrah

For my spring break we went to Mazatlan, Mexico with my family. This was our last trip just the two of us (no babies) and my last trip out of Salt Lake until the baby comes. The doctor has grounded me to the Salt Lake valley.

Of course, Clu found his way to the golf course many times. We were there a week and Clu played I think four times! I even went with him (for 5 holes). He is a REALLY cute golfer! The last time I watched him golf was over 9 years ago while we were dating! He can drive the ball a mile! I am sure to everyone's amazement I did not buy anything while we were there. I did, however get plenty of sun! The weather was great!

My brother, Zac thought that I needed a picture of my big belly, thanks Zac - I am almost 8 months in this picture.

I love to look at all the colorful homes on the hill. This is one of the expensive areas in Mazatlan.