Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh Baby!

Only 5 weeks left! Waiting for a baby to come is worse than waiting for Christmas when you are young. When you are little you know that Santa comes on Christmas which is the 25th of December, but when you are having a baby you have no idea when the little guy decides to grace you with his prescence. The babe can come early, late, fast or slow. Clu can tell you that I am not a patient person. This should be fun, I guess I will have to learn to be patient with this one.

Dr. macy thinks that he will be about two weeks early...any guesses?



Just no having your baby before me!! And call me when you have your ultrasound and let me know. You are such a cute pregnant lady, it is not fair!

Haven said...

Just keep talking to him. I told Aria she could come when she was ready, but I would prefer *major hints, winks, and nudges* that she come at 38 weeks. Well, she came at 38 weeks 6 days. So she came on her own AND listened to her Mommy. :P

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you guys. Last thing I heard on your expecting was that you were. Oh wait Aunt P said you were having a boy a month or so ago. But otherwise... I am glad you started a blog now I have a way to keep up to date on you two.

Aunt Deb said...

I vote for May 15th! Or maybe May 16th! They both sound like good dates to me! I am SOOOOOO excited about this new Snow baby!


I think you will have your baby this friday.... Baby bug is almost here. Yea!!!!!! I am going to be an aunt finally!!