Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Don't do drugs

I should probably preface this post with: I had surgery last week and thanks to some great drugs I am healing nicely, but they sure make me do funny things. I have crazy dreams and do funny things like get up put my clothes on, go back to bed and not remember a thing. I tell people out right lies and don't realize it until a couple days later and have to go back, apologize and explain*. Putting things in random places can also be a problem (like finding my lipstick in the fridge), and according to Clu I talk really loud. Then you forget A LOT of things like cameras, presents and my drugs. So like the Berenstain Bears books says: "let this be a lesson to you"... Don't do drugs.

(* No need to worry about Max being neglected by an intoxicated mother. My most amazing In-Laws and husband took care of the little guy. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!)

And due to weird side effects, that have been previously stated, I have discontinued use (I know you are not surprised.)

1 comment:

d said...

Oh meg I am so sorry. I hope that you are feeling better and that things went well. Merry Christmas and the boys LOVED their gifts!