Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Utah vs. BYU

We were ready for the BYU vs. Utah game this year. Max asked to go to the game and we told him we didn't have tickets but continued asking for tickets so he could go. We told them they were all sold out but he still wanted to go, but finally settled to watch the U on TV with dad and some pop-pop (popcorn).

We ran an errand to the store and while we were there he told a couple of strangers looking at BYU merchandise (in the BYU Tent) "Where is the UTES TENT?"  The girls laughed and told him, "NOOOO you don't want to wear that."  Max quickly replied "Yes I do, GO UTES!"  We all know who taught him that.
We didn't forget to call Papa that morning and tell him Go Utes but Max also told him Go Cougars and that made Papa happy. Tali was along for the ride as usual but sure looked cute doing so.

When I pulled the Utah shirts out Max wanted to wear Tali's cause it had an angry bird on it. After some coaxing he liked his shirt too cause it had an angry bird feather and showed his big muscles instead. 

1 comment:

xomom said...

I am pretty sure the Utes did so well because they have the cutest fans!