Monday, February 13, 2012

Just like papa

Nannie and Papa came to visit this past weekend. It was full of fun things including making Tali an Easter dress, going to a BYU Basketball game and hanging out. Amazing as it sounds we did all of this in one day. We sure love visitors!
The morning started with Max running downstairs to see Nannie and Papa. He got the Ipad and Papa had the Iphone and they were set. max was playing games while watching a movie with Papa.

The dress we made, the rose and the thing hanging is the head band that will match the dress. I wanted a really simple dress and that is what I got. Perfect! I remember my sister and I wearing matching dresses once a year, Easter. Most if not all were made by grandma E. Too bad Tali doesn't get an Easter dress from her, but her blessing dress was.
My sister made me this stitch and I turned it into a pillow. It needs a little more stuffing but I didn't have it and the store was closed (it was 11:30pm) so this will have to do for now.
The game: Max was so excited and the fans were so loud he would cover his ears. The man in front of us kept yelling at the refs and Max would tell him to be nice and you wouldn't want someone to say that to him. I guess he listens when we talk, but hasn't learned tact yet.
Tali couldn't get enough of the game and the fans. She kept clapping an jabbering and watching Cosmo. 

1 comment:

d said...

You MADE that dress?! Awesome work!