Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Max was shot!

Today was shots day at our house. Max was a little behind on shots (because he was sick for his two month shots). Today he received his four months shots and was a real tropper! He only cried while the nurse gave the shots and then he was done. He has been very happy inspite of his "battle/war wounds". Bring it on - I am a tough guy! Your turn Grandpa Snow!

1 comment:

erika said...

Shots stink! Way to be a brave boy! Sleeping through the night - Haydn was 9 months and Taite was 6 months. I had to let them cry it out. I am a wimp and that is why they didn't sleep through the night earlier. It only took a couple of nights, but it is KILLER!! Good luck! How is the baby food going?