Thursday, January 7, 2010

littlest angel

Last night Max went into his room and I assumed he was playing. He had been in there awhile and so Clu went in to check on him. He was sitting on the floor looking at books, which he does often, but tonight he decided to add a little action to the "book reading"...

Clu did nothing, but film the whole thing...then I come to check on the two of them and Clu tells me what he did. I went into "handle" the situation and Clu got the whole thing on film. I know my mom will love to see this cause a I wasn't an angel ALL of the time.


erika said...

We just threw away 10 books after Haydn and Taite destroyed them while they were "napping". I was so upset I made them each take a time out. When I came back in the room they were both sitting in one time out chair hugging each other. You've gotta love boys!

d said...

yeah- ro has "explored" each of our pop out books- now they are in a safe spot. Cannon never did this though even though I thought it was some sort of rite of passage for kids.