Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pray for him

My friend Carrie posted on her blog about her cousin and little boy. She had a link to the cousins blog which I clicked on so I could read the story. It touched my heart in SO many ways that I wanted to share. It gave me such a realization of what wonderful things we have being members of the church and not just from our eternal perspective, but also the help that we offer to others. This was a perfect example of strength (of a mother), help (from neighbors and friends), working together (family), love from ALL, and the tender mercies that God shows us. Please take time to read this and let it touch your lives. You will want to start on February 1st, 2010 and can continue to read the updates (if you wish). Pray for this little boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your perspective on this--how much the church has pulled together in a trial. I hadn't thought of it that way. It is super sad isn't it? It makes me feel badly going about my normal day when I know they are suffering like that. But by the grace of God--it could be me. Sweet of you to rally more people together to pray for him. Thanks Megan. It looks like the whole world is praying.