Monday, April 21, 2008

Ugly Dolls

Clu has fallen in love with these Ugly Dolls (they are really called ugly dolls). His parents bought him these ugly dolls as an early birthday present. He was so surprised and over the moon! I told Clu that we were not going to buy them because they were ugly, but during a conversation with his mother I told her about them and she bought two for Clu and Bug (sorry Steven, baby CJ)! Yes, they are really for the baby, but Clu thinks they are so cute! I don't think they are the cutest, but they grow on you. When you see them in person, they are a lot cuter and just make you giggle. I am sure that the baby will love hanging and chewing on these little guys. Thanks Steve & Phyllis!
They each have names and little blurbs about them. This is Abima, who likes to knock things over, but only the expensive stuff.

Abima's friend OX (like hugs and kisses), does magic and his best magic trick is turning your stuff into his. He says that he is just borrowing your things and will return them in a few hundred years.

They also have little books, but they are not coming out until May 2008. I am sure that Clu will make sure he has the books to go with the dolls, because reading to your baby is so important.


erika said...

I think they are darling - a face only a mother could love. The descriptions match perfectly with you having a boy!

Haven said...

Just looking at the pictures I would have to say those are aptly named Ugly Dolls! lol Crazy what things they come up with. Let us know how the stories are when you get them.

Matt and Joanna said...

I can't believe how soon you are due... You look great! I'm going to be in Utah next week and would love to see you if you have any time!


Your kid is not going to have nightmares having those dolls next to him...